• During the first three weeks, you discover your identities - yours and your child’s. By the end of these three weeks, you will understand how your personalities mingle, your child’s core needs, and how to tap into their primary motivation in different circumstances. Your confidence in guiding them will sky-rocket.

    Concepts covered: Envisioning, Law of Expectations, Gold Tinted Glasses, K.I.D.S., Parent Personality Type, Three Core Needs, Leadership Qualities.

  • During weeks 4 to 6, in the 2nd module, you will learn how to hear in a way that you understand what your child really means to say. You’ll be able to avoid words that reject your child's Krishna bhakti, and speak words that enhance their pure love. These magical scripts will immediately make your child will feel deeply understood. Magical transformation has occurred for 100% clients during this module.

  • During the 3rd module, the last three weeks, watch as your child begins actively singing, dancing, chanting, reading scripture, making offerings for the Deities, and more. After applying the techniques in this module, you'll see them spontaneously using hours of their day for Krishna conscious activities, without you having to even ask.

    Concepts taught: Importance of Free Will, Choices, The S.E.R.V.E. Process, Boundaries

Total course duration: 12 weeks
9 two-hour live sessions with Mother Gopi Gita
Powerful community support
Course Dates: May 5, 2023 to July 29
Live Sessions: Saturdays, 11 AM to 1PM ET