11 levels to leadership
The 11 Levels to Leadership path is the foundation of every leadership parenting program. This introductory, self paced course will get you started seeing results. With videos teaching each step, you’ll learn concrete actions to take for success.
connections online course with coaching
For the parent who’s ready to see dramatic transformations in their relationships with their children. Most clients find that within three to four weeks there is less arguments, internal connection, happy hugs and goodnights even from teens, and social success.
one-on-one coaching with
mother gopi gita
Get a personal weekly session with Mother Gopi Gita for three months while completing the online course you need. She walks you hand in hand as you powerfully move through the leadership levels. Apply below and schedule your consult to see if you meet the requirements.
resolve friends drama: empower social confidence
When your child comes home in tears, frustrated, angry and sad, it can break your heart. With this 12 week online course, you’ll see them skipping with friends, with happy playdates soon!
GET IT DONE! neutralize
Your’re tired of the arguing, tantrums and crying when you ask them to do simple things! Neutralize their defiance and watch them become highly productive. This online 12-week course will turn it all around!
academic absorption: help get good grades
You’ve worked hard to succeed, and you feel at your wits end with your child’s performance. They’re inattentive and unmotivated. Help them be fully absorbed after this 12 week online course.
Spiritual SuccesS: Motivate your child Spiritually
They’re bored at the temple, church or mosque. This online 12-week course will turn it all around! They will excitedly engaged in their deep spiritual pursuits and you’ll be in awe of how quickly it transforms.