We are looking for 10 bhakti community leaders and/or communities to invest in the NA Ministry of Education for the year 2023. This will enable the team to:
facilitate regular deep monthly regional sangas with your bhakti educators
compile a comprehensive data map with data driven solutions for your schools
bring you more families, more children, more engagement and more money!
train your bhakti educators in active learning processes, empathic communication, financial support systems, parent communication, and more
A community with happy families, children and teenagers is a community that bustles and grows exponentially.
BE ONE OF THE TEN for 2023! Email gopi@gopigita.com for any questions.
Hare Krishna! Welcome to the North American ISKCON Ministry of Education site for Children & Youth. We are excited to meet you! Bhakti Educators is a collaborative group of ISKCON educators in North America, working with children and youth, under the umbrella of the ISKCON NA Ministry of Education.
Email: connect@bhaktieducators.com
Our service is to support your service, connect you to each other, and connect you to existing resources in the international ISKCON world. Follow the steps below to get connected.
Step One: Get on the map
Register your program on the map by filling out the form below. One of the Youth Team Reps will email you. (Is your program already on the map? Double check the facts and keep us updated!)
View ISKCON Educational Programs for Children and Youth in a full screen map
Step Two: Get Connected
Once your information is on the map, a Connect Team Rep will personally connect with you to find out more. How are your teachers, your students, your parents? What are your successes, your challenges? What support do you need?
Step Three: Join A Sanga!
Regional Sangas are popping up in different parts of the country! Join a regional sanga with educators near you and support each other! (During the Covid years, regional sangas are being held online.)
Step four: Get Trained
MBM Workshops
“Make Bhakti Matter” is a highly recommended educational initiative led by Gopika-kanta and Aksh. Workshops are currently open for the spring. We encourage anyone involved in children or youth education to attend.
Meet Us!
Gopi Gita devi dasi
Ministry of Education Representative
Connect Team
Strategy Team
Mother Bir Mala,
Akunthita devi, Campakalata devi, Shyama Darshani devi, Vishnupriya devi, Krishnaa devi and Gopi Gita devi
Youth Team
Educators & Resources Database
Free Parent Webinar
Taught at Mayapur Institute, parenting webinars help bhakti parents deepen the relationship with their children using bhakti principles.
New Parenting Book
Leadership Parenting: Empower Your Child’s Social Success - now free soft copies available!
More Resources
Youth Bhakti Leadership Courses
Have a community of teenagers? Sign them up for official Bhakti Sastri courses - 2 years of weekly classes and deep-dive study into the Bhakti literature. Students learn practical application of the philosophy and get trained in leadership simultaneously. Qualified students plug into Youth Teams serving across North America. Registration ends July 15.
International ISKCON Education Website
Under the direction of Tapan Mishra Prabhu, co-director of the International Ministry of Education, this amazing website has loads of information on educational programs throughout the world. Check out the resources area for children’s activities, lesson plans and more. Get inspired by all the educators doing the same thing you are!
Bhakti Courses for Adults - ISKCON Pan-American Education
Many temples in Pan America have vibrant Bhakti Sastri and Bhakti Vaibhava courses. Under the guidance of Bali Mardan prabhu, North American Representative of Sastric Programs, a one-stop portal for registration has been created. Please take a look at the large network of programs at this website. If you have a temple or community Shastric program, please register here.