You are here because you are ready to step into your next level. While you lead teams, you prioritize powerful relationships and high productivity in your work and service spaces. However, parenting has taken everything out of you, I know. I’ve been there. But you have done your time. Connect with me and you will experience:
your child’s happy friendships space and deep inner confidence
no more defiance in the house
good grades and academic absorption
seeing your child be motivated spiritually in a way that it places you in awe.
What is a Leadership Parent?
Leadership Parents are done with playing small. They say no to:
fights and arguments with children
blurred boundaries
unmet expectations
sleepless nights worrying about their academic, emotional and social spaces
Leadership Parents know their worth. They learn to verbalize their needs. They prioritize their care. They step into ease.
When they do this, their children’s lives transform. Teenager’s defiance transforms into long connected talks. Family arguments transforms into singing. Slammed doors out of frustration transforms into working together for a project, in full FLOW. Every single day, Leadership Parents share these miraculous events - their lives transforming.
Are you ready to join our online sanctuary?
Are you ready to manifest amazing transformations in your family’s life?
Here’s the latest testimonial of a Level 1 graduate, Dr. Sumithira Vasu MBBS, Associate Professor of Clinical Internal Medicine, Ohio State University.
“Through Leadership Parenting, I was able to have honest conversations with my daughter so we could structure her life with activities that enhanced her confidence, and creativity and provided time for building relationships. Now she is a trusted confidante to a small, but tight-knit group of friends and is able to solve challenges through acknowledging her feelings and thinking through how to handle challenges on her own. She freely shares her day with me and can distinguish when she needs my help and when she had to stand on her own.”
Happy friendships? Check. Clear boundaries? Check. Internal confidence? Check. Sense of self-worth? Check. Check. Check.

During the first three weeks, you discover your identities - yours and your child’s. By the end of these three weeks, you will understand how your personalities mingle, your child’s core needs, and how to tap into their primary motivation in different circumstances. Your confidence in guiding them will sky-rocket.
Concepts covered: Envisioning, Law of Expectations, Gold Tinted Glasses, K.I.D.S., Parent Personality Type, Three Core Needs, Leadership Qualities.
During weeks 4 to 6, in the 2nd module, you will learn how to hear in a way that you understand what your child really means to say. You’ll be able to avoid words that reject your child and speak words that enhance their feelings of belonging and connection. These magical scripts will immediately make your child will feel deeply understood. In turn they will want to understand you and connect with you. Magical transformation has occurred for clients during this module.
During the 3rd module, the last three weeks, you fill the preliminary needs of free will and agency (more in level 2) as you start witnessing what work and play your child(ren) enjoy doing, and how to motivate those spaces. You realize the best ways to engage them in tasks that must be done and you learn to worship their work. The goals of the engagement space (abhidheya), covered in level 1 and level 2 are that your child will spontaneously be immersed in important tasks without even be asked.
Concepts taught: Importance of Free Will, Choices, The S.E.R.V.E. Process, Boundaries
12 weeks to 16 weeks.
Lifetime access to over 100 hours of video lessons, with observations submitted.
9 live sessions with Mother Gopi Gita. Sessions are recorded and shared with registered participants.
Powerful daily community support through WhatsApp group. When you hear how others experience what you go through, and when they support your learning, you learn much faster. Every time a parent submits their process and experience, you think of yours and shift yours.
FALL COURSE BEGINS: November 5, 2023
LIVE SESSIONS: Sundays, 10 AM to 11:30 AM ET, 9 AM TO 10:30 AM CT, 7 AM TO 10 AM PT
Limited seats available. To apply and get on the waitlist, schedule a call with MGG below.