You’ve been accepted!
Congratulations. You’ve made it this far. You’re ready to transform the lives of you and your child(ren).
First, watch the video above to learn more. Then, submit course payment below, and step into the Leadership Parenting paradigm.
Beginning Affirmations
“Yes! This is my parenting journey and I will be supported.
I’m committed to investing in my child.
It’s time to accept who God made my child to be.
I’m done with the anxiety and confusion.
I deserve this. My child deserves this.
I know they have a deep purpose.
I’m ready to change my life and my child’s life.
I don’t have time to waste.
I can’t let me down.
I’m ready.
During the first three weeks, you discover your identities - yours and your child’s. By the end of these three weeks, you will understand how your personalities mingle, your child’s core needs, and how to tap into their primary motivation in different circumstances. Your confidence in guiding them will sky-rocket.
Concepts covered: Envisioning, Law of Expectations, Gold Tinted Glasses, K.I.D.S., Parent Personality Type, Three Core Needs, Leadership Qualities.
During weeks 4 to 6, in the 2nd module, you will learn how to hear in a way that you understand what your child really means to say. You’ll be able to avoid words that reject your child and speak words that enhance their feelings of belonging and connection. These magical scripts will immediately make your child will feel deeply understood. In turn they will want to understand you and connect with you. Magical transformation has occurred for clients during this module.
During the 3rd module, the last three weeks, you fill the preliminary needs of free will and agency (more in level 2) as you start witnessing what work and play your child(ren) enjoy doing, and how to motivate those spaces. You realize the best ways to engage them in tasks that must be done and you learn to worship their work. The goals of the engagement space (abhidheya), covered in level 1 and level 2 are that your child will spontaneously be immersed in important tasks without even be asked.
Concepts taught: Importance of Free Will, Choices, The S.E.R.V.E. Process, Boundaries
Total course duration: 12 to 16 weeks
100 hours of course videos
9 live group sessions with Mother Gopi Gita
Powerful community support
Current Course Starts: Sunday, November 5
Connection Course: Online Sanctuary
Become deeply connected with your child and help them neutralize their defiance. Learn principles of connection (sambandha) and practice (abhidheya). Connect with Mother Gopi Gita for 12 weeks as you enter an online sanctuary with over 100 hours of video. Your weekly observation submissions provide the backbone for your transformation. Learn with a powerful community of leadership parents with 9 sessions (1.5 hrs to 2hrs), and ask questions pertinent to your personal situation. Feel the power of sanga — powerful support and guidance as you move up the levels.
One Parent, 9 one-hour sessions of one to one personalized coaching, 90 days of course videos, with observations and reflections.
9 private one to one sessions of coaching for one leadership parent + strong community calls and online sanctuary. Go at your own pace.
Next Steps
Course fees are non-refundable.
You will be set up on the course platform, and further instructions will be mailed to you within 7 days. You can always contact me (email: for any questions. I’m here with you every step of the way.