You’ve been accepted!

Dear Leadership Parent,

You’ve put in so much time. You’re ready to go deeper. You’re ready for longer lasting change.

Maybe your child has felt stronger connection internally. Maybe their peer troubles are no longer around.

Maybe they’ve even stepped into their action space. They practice more. Things are better.

But you know they have so much more within them. It’s not enough. You know you can do more. You’re ready to commit more. More time, more love, more depth, more resilience.

Intermediate Level is the next natural step for any Leadership Parent. You will implement what you’ve learned in the Beginner’s Level and you will learn more. Your mindset will shift. You will be held to practicing the strategies. And you will face internal resistance. Get ready for an amazing ride. You got this.

LP 2.1 - Intermediate Leadership Parenting

20 sessions (one year) support as parents go deeper in to their connection space (sambandha), practice space (abhidheya) and move towards the accomplishments space. Covers chapter 8 through 11 in the book. Parents will experience deeper commitment to the processes and a personal 45 min call every two weeks.

Next Steps

Course fees are non-refundable.

You will be set up on the course platform, and further instructions will be mailed to you within 7 days. You can always contact me (email: for any questions. I’m here with you every step of the way.