11. Que Sera Sera
Having scheduled the surgery, the doctors discharged us. We could go home for two days and sleep in our own beds. Vraju could actually get some proper rest. Surely in this state, his brain needed rest. Once at home, he naturally felt exhausted and grumpy. Things are peaceful.. I think we've accepted.. Thank you for all your prayers.
Went to school and spent time teaching all my kiddos, doing what I love doing. Nitai and I are keeping busy with our projects so our minds don't go nuts. Rupa Prabhu is managing so many odds and ends with insurance and doctors and what not.
And Vraju's being grumpy on his new medications, and resting peacefully.
His surgery will be Tuesday morning. Monday will be prep work at the hospital.Those of you who say we're strong.. its not necessarily true. It's just that we dont have a choice lol.
Que sera sera. What will be will be.