The Power of Belief

In 9th grade, my son Nitai was extremely stuck on a Math chapter. As his grades faltered, day after day he would vehemently declare, "I hate Math!" It was alarming for us. We naturally questioned his activities, his curriculum, even his environment. (See image on DOUBT.)

Instead of acting on our doubt, we worked to reinstate his *BELIEF* in himself. "This is really hard but I know I can do it."

There were no drills, worksheets or tutoring sessions. There was no need for him to fix any externals; curriculum, teachers or even evening schedule.

After only a few weeks, he would find me on the school playground to show me his Math discoveries. Not only did he feel capable, now he could fly.

His *BELIEF* in himself was back. Practice, commitment, interest followed naturally and stayed, for years.

Last month, in May at age 18, he completed his second year of Advanced Math courses at UTD in Electrical Engineering with a 4.0 GPA. ✨💪

Every summer, parents and teachers receive annual test scores. After 15 years of administering annual Grade 2 to 12 tests, we have noted that the primary indicator of "success" is student confidence *BELIEF* . Anxious kids who've been drilled worksheets generally have lower scores than relaxed prepared kids who truly know their abilities.

Ancient texts tell us that when Vanara warrior Hanuman was a little boy, he jumped across the skies to eat a mango (the sun), defying gravity and the demigods. As an adult, when he was being called to leap across a much smaller ocean to find Goddess Sita, Hanuman hesitated. Only after his mentor reminded him of his innate powers, was he able to cross the ocean and serve Lord Ram as he was meant to. ✨ *BELIEF* ✨ was needed.

Srila Prabhupada founded an international society on this *BELIEF* . When he had only one center, Matchless Gifts, in NY, he printed a business card, with capital letters " _Centers all around the world"_ on the bottom. "Only time is separating us from them," he said. Though he arrived on a ship, penniless and alone, he wrote: I have full faith in the holy name of Krishna." His ironclad *BELIEF* manifested international success, and transformed millions. Through this belief, he was directly guided by the Supreme Personality of Godhead whom he knew personally.

"He believes he is worth much, and he receives much. He believes he can handle big, difficult assignments—and he does. Everything he does: the way he handles himself with people, his character, his thoughts, his viewpoints..."

"A person is a product of his own thoughts. Believe Big. Launch your success offensive with honest, sincere belief that you can succeed. Believe big and grow big."

On the other hand, if you "tell yourself today is a lousy day, the day will become too hot or too cold, business will be bad, sales will drop, other people will be on edge, you may even get sick. In just a few moments, it will become a lousy day." _Magic of Thinking Big, David Schwartz_

The Supreme Personality of Godhead wants you to ignite a fire of belief in your heart. He has magnificent things for you to accomplish today, tomorrow and in your life. All you need is the knowing that The Divine are there to love you unconditionally, and to truly completely believe who they have made you to be. Hare Krishna.

_sraddha sabde sudhrda niscaya, krsna bhakti kaile sarva karma krta haya_

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Gopi Gita