Recieving Through Rejection

Parents ask me, how can I get my child to stop arguing? Teachers ask, how can I help my students follow instructions? Leaders ask, when will my team respect me? 

Today I share a few nuances of rejection and receiving. It's subtle but works wonders. 

On Wednesday night, for over 17 hours, my husband and I waited in an overpacked ER. He was feeling intense pain from a gallstone. When the nurse called out a few names every thirty minutes, a room full of suffering patients waited to see if she would call them. Again and again, we opened up to recieve, and as names were called that weren't ours, again and again, we were rejected. 

Those that didn't want to be rejected left. It wasn't worth it. The rest waited and trusted. They knew: our time will come. Their pain would be healed by their ability to accept rejection and their ability to recieve.  

As I sat there, I pondered this. The next day, I was supposed to travel to the most important leadership conference in my international community. Spiritually powerful bhakti leaders from around the world would meet to strategize, solve world problems, and share divine love. 

But what about my husband? I've never left his side in a hospital. As I wrestled with whether or not to go, I recognized I felt rejected by my Lords. Why now did he get a gallstone? Though it was unexpected, somehow the timing felt purposeful. In accepting rejection, was I to recieve something way more than I could imagine? What was the divine plan?

My husband and family unanimously agreed - you must go. The mission, too powerful; the setbacks, non life-threatening and temporary. Though they reassured me, it wasn't easy to decide. 

But how amazing it was. At the conference, panels discussed powerful topics. Compassion. Organization. Financial Stability. Justice. Protection. Equality. Opportunity for all. It was next level. I received grace at every moment, every word, every step. 

I led a workshop with a few of the most powerful leaders in my bhakti community. Our ministry of education team came together like never before. We recieved hundreds of desires for the children of communities all over North America. 

I was phenomenally empowered by Dr. Howard Resnick (Srila Hrdayananda Swami). I saw how expansive was his ability to recieve! When an obnoxiously long loud train whistle interrupted his talk, instead of feeling annoyed, he joked -- it's like I'm being serenaded. (I paraphrase.) When I challenged him with audacious questions, he lovingly responded without getting defensive or annoyed. Nothing he took personally. His ability to be rejected and to recieve was off the charts. 

The brilliant Dr. Ravi Gupta presented. This is what I heard. True leadership servants are ready to take risks... to be rejected and criticized. They will do what no one else is doing. They go off the beaten path, they hear others' cries. Their deep compassion expands their ability to be rejected, and their ability to recieve.

Everything the saints experience is for a transcendental purpose. They know how to recieve grace, love and trust in even the difficult interactions. By whatever name you may call Them, (God, universe, mother nature,) if you trust the divine caretakers (hare krishna), your inner guides, you can recieve like never before

 *What does this have to do with your arguing kids? Your chaotic classroom? With those teams you manage?* 

When someone is arguing with you, expand your heart beyond the rejection you feel. 

When they won't listen, pause your need to defend. Don't reject them back with your words. Note your thoughts. 

When they won't do as you wish, try not take it so personally. I know it's not easy.

When you step into that discomfort, wait. Past your own feelings... can you hear what they really want? Even faintly? Are they themselves feeling rejected? 

Can you ask what is bothering them? Can you allow them to process while you are peaceful? Can you try the task with them to show them you accept them? Can you stay firm on your boundaries and tasks without the rejection and defense? 

Once you expand your ability to be rejected, you will recieve. You will quickly see arguments subside. They will be grateful for your pause, your presence. They will shift their energy. They will trust. 

You will recieve: understanding, hugs, trust, timely tasks, quiet classrooms, working teams and more. 

Go try it. Let me know how it goes. 

 emon doyal to nai he, mar kheye prema de_ 

In my heart dances those Lords who give pure love when They are rejected. 

If you need help, contact me. I have a new course starting Nov 5th. It's already sold out, but we can make exceptions and expand. If you're truly ready to recieve.

xoxo, MGG

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