
School started for most of us in Dallas. We also have a record breaking heatwave -- more than a month of 105+ degree weather.

On a cooler day this week, I sat with a new teacher's assistant at the playground in our school, TKG Academy. As an alumni, she had played in this very spot only a decade ago. Now she's back, having traveled the world and mentored adults in ashrams. She's doing what she's good at and really loves: teach the kids.

As we watch the kids playing, I see what I've known every day. In only a flash of a second, they too, as adults, will be called to do what they are meant for. One may build an electric car. Another may enter war-torn regions as a photo journalist. Yet another may teach ballet or nurse veterans, or guide youth in spiritual journeys. They'll meet people, and make money. They'll raise families and make their mark.

Raising kids is a bit like climate change. You can't tell the impact of your daily actions until decades later. You won't know how that frustrated yelling over the really low grade, or the "im-too-busy-cuz-my-phone-and-work" will affect their well being, until a decade later.

You may also not see how you've been affected, your own unconscious childhood memories clogging your clarity and confidence. You may repeat the blunders, knowing no other way.

Unfortunately, the impact of the daily actions of caretakers (parents and teachers) is more deadly than the 105 degree heat, or the untimely hurricane off the coast of California. In twenty years, the eight billion adults on this planet will be these kids. Will they be conscious? compassionate? connected? confident? Or will they be aimless and self-absorbed, struggling only to make ends meet; their purpose hidden, their goals lost, their lives in disharmony.

Teacher to teacher, parent to parent, the caretakers of these children are the most valuable asset of mankind. My job (and yours too!) is to prioritize their needs. They need to be honored more, guided more, and yes, paid more.

There's good news in all this! Sacred care has arrived. The patron saints of love and learning, Saints Gaura and Nitai have opened a full marketplace sanctuary of amazing wonders. Desires are being fulfilled every day on this leadership parenting path. 

Here's the latest from this week: 

A mom in the Netherlands. "I feel this process is working. I'm noting down what all I'm doing differently."

A teacher in Virginia: What you showed me seems obvious, and yet no one ever prioritized this in all my courses. I can't wait to meet you again."

A dad in California: "Last summer there was crying and whining and not getting along. This month, they apologized without even being asked, and the kids played together for hours without any fights."

And just now, a leader in Australia! I now know what I'm meant for.

Leadership Parenting holds answers for EVERY SINGLE PROBLEM for parents, teachers and leaders. Yup. It's amazing to even hear myself say that. Check out the results on the website below. 

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