You are more than you produce.

As a high achiever, you are driven to produce. More and higher. Higher scores for your kids. Higher profits at work. More, and better, always.

In a corporate world, our success depends on what we produce. What's the end result?

So you push yourself. You push your kids. You push your teams. With rewards and bribes, nagging or cajoling. With threats and punishments, singling out and comparing. All of this causes stress, disease, and long term mental health challenges.

In your household, is care dispensed by how successful one appears to be and what their image is? Is affection tied to external outcomes -- grades, trophies, titles? Are people around you afraid of making a mistake? Do you reject your team members if they fail? Do you reject yourself?

"Am I good enough? Will I ever be as good as so-and-so? Will I measure up? When will I succeed?"

What if you discover you have already reached your highest level of success, that only time separates you from it?

What if you see your employees, teammates, students and children in that overflowing space of abundance as well?

As soon as you enter a sanctuary of full acceptance, ease, and pure love, your production flows naturally. When you discover who you are, your true spiritual self, beyond the race to material outcomes, all those outcomes and results you seek fall into place as easy as pie.

Sales skyrocket. Money flows in. Your kids' scores get higher. Their trophies increase (if that's still important to you). Friends flock around them (and you).

Imagine your children laughing in bliss as that test sits in front of them -- with no stress, whizzing through it.

Imagine your team's synergy as they double their year end goals -- while laughing with you, no threats or crazy long nights.

Imagine you at ease, free from worry, and flying through your days with a deeply rooted spiritual anchor.

That's the magic the saints of bhakti bring to the world through Leadership Parenting.

Are you worried about your child's academic performance? Are you struggling to motivate your team? Are you scared of this year's outcomes?

Join us.