The Power Of Play

As summer turns to fall, do you feel overwhelmed? Are you tired of nagging others, arguing, fighting? As nights get longer, do you feel unmotivated, your exhaustion and worry taking over?

I have one question for you:

When was the last time you played?

Did you know that you were literally created for play? Every living entity is naturally a pleasure seeker.

The young green sapling will curve around a building to intermingle with another green sapling and bask in the sunlight. The ants will climb over each other to eat sugar together. And humans in their earliest state as children will play no matter how hard you try to get them to stop. 😆

How do you feel about play? Do you judge it? Is it a waste of time for you? Do you worry important tasks won't be done if you play?

Guess what. The opposite is true. Play accomplishes more, better and faster.

I get to see the miracles of play every day. I see students memorizing math tables and spelling words faster when they're laughing. I see moms solving teenage angst through board games and dads empowering their kids with resilience while playing soccer. Leaders have doubled their sales because of one team bonding activity and executives have transformed team dynamics because of a simple jokes group they started

Play is the secret to discovering flow and purpose. Play is the happiness of the heart, and play is the antidote to stress.

This week, bhakti communities around the world celebrated Goddess Radharani, the *pleasure potency* and female counterpart of God. In Leadership Parenting, she guides the Practice Space, _abhidheya_ , where leaders discover service: the natural flow of work and play. As *pleasure personified*, She wants only to see you happy. As the divine mother, she gets sad when you are sad. _radha rasesvari ramya, rama cha paramatmanah, rasodbhava krsnakanta, krsna vaksasthala sthita_

Indeed, the entire spiritual realm centers around the play of happy divine children.

Dear one, you have paused your play and chosen this space of ick. You choose negativity, stress, worry, fear, every day. Why? Let's change that together. We'll start simple. Here's some ideas.

✨Skip a step or two (or three!)

✨Race your kids to the car

✨Hide a shoe

✨Send a funny meme

✨Pick a flower and touch it to your cheek

✨Say an inane 'Dad' joke at a meeting

✨Sing in the shower

✨Kiss your partner

✨Walk among the trees

✨Call a friend

✨Eat chocolate ice cream with strawberries

✨Smile at a stranger

✨Watch a comedy

I know there are bigger issues. The superficial stuff won't cut it anymore. That's why you're here. So after you try something simple, go deeper.

What pleasures are longer lasting? More than a day, a week, a month? What happiness won't bring you equal pain?

What pleasure can you experience that's beyond drinks, substances, addictions, cravings? What is not dependent on your senses?

The saints teach us all kinds of forever play. Spiritual dancing, singing and meditation are a few. I can show you how to turn your tasks into play, by offering them in happy service. I can help you step into ease, love, dancing and singing through Leadership Parenting courses. Play changes everything.

How will you play this week? How will you encourage your kids to play? What shifted inside you because of it?

Xoxo, MGG

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